Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.7: Three ways of gaining correct knowledge
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

Yoga Sutra 1.7: Of these five, there are three ways of gaining correct knowledge (pramana): 1) perception, 2) inference, and 3) testimony or verbal communication from others who have knowledge.
(pratyaksha anumana agamah pramanani)

pratyaksha = direct perception or cognition

anumana = inference, reasoning, deduction

agamah = authority, testimony, validation, competent evidence

pramanani = valid means of knowing, proofs, sources of correct knowing

Introduction to Yoga Sutras:

Yoga Sutras Table of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras List of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras in Narrative:

Chapters Outline of Yoga Sutras:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.6: Five kinds of thoughts to witness
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

1.6 The five varieties of thought patterns to witness are: 1) knowing correctly (pramana), 2) incorrect knowing (viparyaya), 3) fantasy or imagination (vikalpa), 4) the object of void-ness that is deep sleep (nidra), and 5) recollection or memory (smriti).
(pramana viparyaya vikalpa nidra smritayah)

pramana = real or valid cognition, right knowledge, valid proof, seeing clearly

viparyayah = unreal cognition, indiscrimination, perverse cognition, wrong knowledge, misconception, incorrect knowing, not seeing clearly

vikalpah = imagination, verbal misconception or delusion, fantasy, hallucination

nidra = deep sleep

smritayah = memory, remembering