Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yoga Sutra 1.11: Recollection or Memory
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

1.11 Recollection or memory (smriti) is mental modification caused by the inner reproducing of a previous impression of an object, but without adding any other characteristics from other sources.
(anubhuta vishaya asampramoshah smritih)

anubhuta = experienced
vishaya = objects of experience, impressions
asampramoshah = not being stolen, not being lost, not having addition
smritih = memory, remembering

Introduction to Yoga Sutras:
Yoga Sutras Table of Sutras:
Yoga Sutras List of Sutras:
Yoga Sutras in Narrative:
Chapters Outline of Yoga Sutras:

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Yoga Sutra 1.10: Dreamless Sleep (Nidra)
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

Yoga Sutra 1.10: Dreamless sleep (nidra) is the subtle thought pattern which has as its object an inertia, blankness, absence, or negation of the other thought patterns (vrittis).
(abhava pratyaya alambana vritti nidra)

abhava = absence, non-existence, non-occurrence, negation, voidness, nothingness
pratyaya = the cause, the feeling, causal or cognitive principle, notion, content of mind, presented idea, cognition
alambana = support, substratum, leaning on, dependent on, having as a base or foundation
vritti = operations, activities, fluctuations, modifications, changes, or various forms of the mind-field
nidra = deep sleep

Introduction to Yoga Sutras:
Yoga Sutras Table of Sutras:
Yoga Sutras List of Sutras:
Yoga Sutras in Narrative:
Chapters Outline of Yoga Sutras:

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.9: Fantasy, Imagination, Vikalpa
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

Yoga Sutra 1.9: Fantasy or imagination (vikalpa) is a thought pattern that has verbal expression and knowledge, but for which there is no such object or reality in existence. (shabda jnana anupati vastu shunyah vikalpah)

shabda = word, sound, verbal expression

jnana = by knowledge, knowing

anupati = following, in sequence, depending upon

vastu = a reality, real object, existent

shunyah = devoid, without, empty

vikalpah= imagination, verbal misconception or delusion, fantasy, hallucination

Introduction to Yoga Sutras:

Yoga Sutras Table of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras List of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras in Narrative:

Chapters Outline of Yoga Sutras:

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.8: The nature of incorrect knowledge
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

Yoga Sutra1.8: Incorrect knowledge or illusion (viparyaya) is false knowledge formed by perceiving a thing as being other than what it really is.
(viparyayah mithya jnanam atad rupa pratistham)

viparyayah = unreal cognition, indiscrimination, perverse cognition, wrong knowledge, misconception, incorrect knowing, not seeing clearly

mithya = of the unreal, of the false, erroneous, illusory

jnanam = knowing, knowledge

atad = not its own, not that

rupa = form, nature, appearance

pratistham = based on, possessing, established, occupying, steadfast, standing

Introduction to Yoga Sutras:

Yoga Sutras Table of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras List of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras in Narrative:

Chapters Outline of Yoga Sutras:

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.7: Three ways of gaining correct knowledge
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

Yoga Sutra 1.7: Of these five, there are three ways of gaining correct knowledge (pramana): 1) perception, 2) inference, and 3) testimony or verbal communication from others who have knowledge.
(pratyaksha anumana agamah pramanani)

pratyaksha = direct perception or cognition

anumana = inference, reasoning, deduction

agamah = authority, testimony, validation, competent evidence

pramanani = valid means of knowing, proofs, sources of correct knowing

Introduction to Yoga Sutras:

Yoga Sutras Table of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras List of Sutras:

Yoga Sutras in Narrative:

Chapters Outline of Yoga Sutras:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.6: Five kinds of thoughts to witness
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

1.6 The five varieties of thought patterns to witness are: 1) knowing correctly (pramana), 2) incorrect knowing (viparyaya), 3) fantasy or imagination (vikalpa), 4) the object of void-ness that is deep sleep (nidra), and 5) recollection or memory (smriti).
(pramana viparyaya vikalpa nidra smritayah)

pramana = real or valid cognition, right knowledge, valid proof, seeing clearly

viparyayah = unreal cognition, indiscrimination, perverse cognition, wrong knowledge, misconception, incorrect knowing, not seeing clearly

vikalpah = imagination, verbal misconception or delusion, fantasy, hallucination

nidra = deep sleep

smritayah = memory, remembering

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Yoga Sutras 1.5: Five Kinds of Colored/Uncolored Thought Patterns
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

Yoga Sutra 1.5: Those gross and subtle thought patterns (vrittis) fall into five varieties, of which some are colored (klishta) and others are uncolored (aklishta).
(vrittayah pancatayah klishta aklishta)

vrittayah = the vrittis are

pancatayah = five fold (and of two kinds); panch means five

klishta = colored, painful, afflicted, impure; the root klish means to cause trouble; (klesha is the noun form of the adjective klishta)

aklishta = uncolored, not painful, not afflicted, pure; not imbued with kleshas; the root a- means without or in the absence of; hence, without the coloring called klishta

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Yoga Sutra 1.4: Identifying with Thought Patterns
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

1.4 At other times, when one is not in Self-realization, the Seer appears to take on the form of the modifications of the mind field, taking on the identity of those thought patterns.
(vritti sarupyam itaratra)

vritti = of the operations, activities, fluctuations, modifications, changes, or various forms (of the mind-field)

sarupyam = similarity, assimilation, appearance of, identification of form or nature, conformity with the shape of; the root sa means with, and rupa means form

itaratra = elsewhere, at other times, when not in that state of realization above

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Yoga Sutra 1.3: The Seer Abiding in Its True Nature
(More discussion and graphics at this link)

1.3 Then the Seer abides in Itself, resting in its own True Nature, which is called Self-realization.(tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam)

tada = then, at that time; at the time of concentration and meditation

drashtuh = the seer's, of the soul, witness, Atman, Self; from the root drsh, which means to see (It is significant to note that Patanjali is not trying to define who is the seer, or the nature of that seer. This is left to be answered or resolved in direct experience.)

svarupe = in its own nature, own form or essence; (sva = own; rupa = form)

avasthanam = stability, settling, remaining, being in a state, resting, standing, lying, abiding; the root stha means to stand

Monday, February 19, 2007

Yoga Sutra 1.2: Definition of Yoga

1.2 Yoga is the control (nirodhah, regulation, channeling, mastery, integration, coordination, stilling, quieting, setting aside) of the modifications (gross and subtle thought patterns) of the mind field.(yogash chitta vritti nirodhah)

yoga = of yoga, union; literally, to yoke, from the root yuj, which means to join; same as the absorption in samadhi

chitta = of the consciousness of the mind-field

vritti = operations, activities, fluctuations, modifications, changes, or various forms of the mind-field

nirodhah = control, regulation, channeling, mastery, integration, coordination, understanding, stilling, quieting, setting aside of

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yoga Sutra 1.1: Now begins Yoga

1.1 Now, after having done prior preparation through life and other practices, the study and practice of Yoga begins.
(atha yoga anushasanam)

atha = now, at this auspicious moment; implying the transition to this practice and pursuit, after prior preparation; implying a blessing at this moment of transition

yoga = of yoga, union; literally, to yoke, from the root yuj, which means to join or to integrate; same as the absorption in samadhi

anu = within, or following tradition; implies being subsequent to something else, in this case, the prior preparation

shasanam = instruction, discipline, training, teaching, exposition, explanation; Shas implies the imparting of teaching that happens along with discipline